4820 East 33rd Street, Tulsa, OK 74135

Phone : (918) 749-8387

Fax : (918) 742-5119


Your First Visit

dog_teethexamThe Initial Consultation
After the paperwork is completed you will be placed into an examination room with your pet. Our technician will come in and get an initial history about your pet. The doctor will complete a physical examination and offer a treatment plan for your pet. Often, it is impossible to give an accurate estimate for the procedure until your pet has received a thorough examination under anesthesia. If you agree to the recommended treatment we can usually perform the procedure the same day or it can be rescheduled for a more convenient time for you.

Preparing your Pet for Surgery
Most animals require fasting prior to the procedure. You should withhold food after 10pm the day before the scheduled procedure. Please let us know if your pet is on special medication when you schedule the procedure to see if it should be administered before your arrive. It is fine to let your pet have access to water overnight, but take it away in the morning. We perform most of our dental procedures in the morning so your pet can go home in the afternoon. It is rare that a patient requires hospitalization overnight.
Your First Visit to the Dentist

What to Expect During the Surgery
After your pet has been checked in for surgery, we will collect a blood sample for preanesthetic tests (CBC, Blood Chemistry) and possibly perform other diagnostic tests (Urinalysis, Chest X-Rays). Many of these tests may have been recently performed by your regular veterinarian and do not need to be repeated. We will shave a small spot on your pet's leg for us to place an intravenous (IV) catheter. A preanesthetic medication will be administered to help your pet relax, control post-operative pain, and to lessen the amount of general anesthesia that will be used. An IV medication will be administered to help your pet fall asleep so we can intubate your pet (place a breathing tube) and connect your pet to a gas anesthesia machine. You pet will be connected to monitors to measure vital signs and IV fluids will be administered. The anesthesia time will be determined by the type of procedure performed. We may contact you by phone once we have completed our thorough oral evalution and to give you a more accurate estimate. After the procedure is completed, your pet will recover in our ICU area where they will be closely monitored until they are fully recovered. We will contact you to arrange a pick-up time for your pet.

What to Expect After the Surgery
When you arrive to pick up your pet the doctor will discuss the procedure that was performed and go over the written discharge instructions. Any additional questions can be answered at that time. A recheck appointment may be recommended depending on the procedure that was performed. Your pet may be slightly lethargic from the anesthesia, but should improve within 24-48 hours. If oral surgery was performed your pet may have sutures in the mouth that will dissolve within 2-3 weeks. If skin sutures were place they will require removal in 14 days. A softened diet may be recommended temporarily until the mouth heals.

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